Passing the test in 2020

Teaching someone to pass a subject in 2020

Is like teaching someone to pass the past.

The featured image looks like the past.

Maybe this fits today?

Exam 10118

We fear the student will cheat.

Cheat at what?

At education’s game?

This process will get a score. But then what?

They will be well trained and prepped and good to go, for the past.

Teaching someone to adapt?

Now that’s another thing altogether.

How do they ‘pass’ the unknown? How does one score the ‘unknown’? How does one ‘cheat’ at the ‘unknown’?

Maybe it’s the term ‘passing’ the test that is confusing or worst still outdated and irrelevant in 2020.

Maybe we never ‘pass’, maybe we just ‘pass into’ the next question.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing. – Socrates

Why do we still employ a tool that demands you answer the past to be ready for the future?

Why do we build curricula that are good to go for a world 5 years ago?

Maybe there is a subject, discipline just sitting there already.

Certain Industries require training in skills (engineers, pilots), but even Google understands Philosophy as it’s most productive employer attribute.

Defined as – the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour
Their 2017 survey of employees is worth a read.

I adore History and there are many quotes regarding the wisdom of considering the past.

I’m just not sure it’s what we should be rewarded for…caps and gowns and all that.

As a teacher I attempt to help educate into the questions.

To train into the answers.

“Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Rainer Maria Rilke

These answer/question/answers don’t require a ‘score’.

They require encouragement.

How does one mark encouragement?

“If the question is not asked the answers have nowhere to fit.” – (author unknown)

Encouragement doesn’t remark ‘could try harder’

That’s the other version.

The version that thinks you need to fit what exists.

Encouragement marks…’yes’, and?

Now that should prep you for 2020 and beyond.

It worked for Aristotle and Socrates.

I would have loved ‘teaching’ them!




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