Bend It ! ?

WTF! or WTF?

Wednesday Thursday Friday.

What (is) The Future?


The obvious

What The F#ck!

What a crazy world?!

The Rona is nearly done with us.

The rain isn’t (in Australia).

And this Putin dude needs transporting back to 1930.

WTF indeed!

This Blog is built on one premise.

Mystery’s a Fact man.

Gotta Celebrate the Act man.

I got NO answers.

What you got?

I do know that a “?” beats a “!” any day.

Ya just gotta bend “!” a little and the world changes…

Keep the?’s coming and resist the !’s.

“?” starts a conversation.

“!” shuts one down.

“?” is diplomacy.

“!” is not.

“?” helps us understand others.

“!” excludes them.

“?” = peace.

“!” = war.

So there!


So there?

Bend it.

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